Thanks for subscribing to Squirrellyartmama's waitlist.
You will be the first to get notified by email of its availability.
I am working around the clock to organize the perfect monthly box. As a squirrellyartmama fine tuning what is in the box is quite the challenge because I love all things fun and creative. And I hope you do too!
You will be notified by email as soon as the box subscription opens up and becomes available. There will be a limited number of boxes so please make sure you are watching your inbox because spots won't last long.
In the meantime, please enjoy 15% off your first order at
Use the Coupon code 15Acorns for 15% off your first order.
Good things come to those who wait!
Thank you for joining. I look forward to getting to know you and creating a box that will generate joy and excitement when you receive it in the mail!
Have a great day,